is coming soon!

"The built-in AI search is truly phenomenal. You must try it!"

"Connecting all of our documents couldn't been easier"

"It can generate help articles from my how-to videos—it's like magic!"

AI-Powered Knowledge Base that generates personalized, on-brand, answers 20x faster than traditional help centers by integrating knowledge from videos, documents, and web pages

How AwesomeAnswers will level-up your support?

Without AwesomeAnswers

  • Customers struggle to find the answers they need due to difficult-to-search articles this leads to Frustration
  • Your help articles are often too generic or vague, leaving customers without specific solutions
  • Creating and formatting help articles takes ages
  • Your support team is overwhelmed with basic questions because customers cannot easily find the answers on their own

With AwesomeAnswers

  • Your Customers will find the answers 20x faster than static Help Centers
  • Articles are tailored and personalized, providing specific solutions to Customer queries.
  • Significantly reduce the time spent on content creation! Automated generation and formatting of Help Articles
  • Reduce support ticket volume! Your team can focus on more complex issues, as customers can quickly find answers

Knowledge Base that delivers Personalized Answers to every Customers

Help customers find what they need 20x Faster

AwesomeAnswers excels where others fail, it understands your customer’s specific questions and generates accurate Help Articles with the help of state of the art AI technology, saving your customers valuable time and reducing frustration.

Turn your Help Center into 24/7 Customer Support on Autopilot!

Delivers Answers to Complex Questions 20x Faster
Provides On-Brand, Personalized Help Articles

On-Brand, Personalized Help Articles

Use your existing content in any format, use your own domain—AwesomeAnswers takes care of the formatting to ensure your help articles are always on-brand and directly address your customers' needs.

We went the extra mile, embedding relevant video segments and images to enhance the user experience. This ensures your help articles are visually appealing and highly informative.

Generates Help Articles from Multiple Sources

Simply connect various knowledge sources in the 'Knowledge Management Dashboard,' including videos, documents, and web pages.

AwesomeAnswers can even generate help articles from videos, saving you time and maximizing the utility of your content.

Generates Help Articles from Multiple Sources
Transparent Knowledge Source Attribution

Transparent Knowledge Source Attribution

Your customers will always know which sources were used to create the Help Articles, as they are embedded and highlighted in the 'Knowledge Source' section, ensuring transparency and trust.

Powerful Search Analytics

Gain insights into user behavior with our search analytics. Identify the most popular questions and see how users rate the answers they receive.

This valuable feedback allows you to continuously fine-tune and enhance your Help Center, ensuring it meets the always changing needs of your customers.

Powerful Search Analytics

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